三文冶 或 漢堡 文章

2012-01-17 8:18 pm
很多人說 寫 ENG文章有三文冶 文章 或 漢堡文

章章法, 那到底何為一萹有 三文冶 或 漢堡既文

章 ,如何才寫出帶點水準既三文冶文章 或 漢堡


用最簡單既農歷新年介紹一下! P.S: 請用中英文

解說! 謝謝!

回答 (1)

2012-01-20 5:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear pingachmo:-Hamburger essay=(123-321) where it is to(1) Control the background;(2) Main point+Content(3). (3) a vivid description+research for narrative Essay (2)etc,style of writing,,rhetoric etc.(1)
For Sandwich Essay=(1--3--1) where it is about to mention person,incident,describe or narrate a News Report to your thinking.
person=introduce briefly,little relate to central main point,but fit in body of Essay among. eg (1)Intro--(2) Body--(3)Conclusion.

As an example on Lunar N.Y..Subject:Lunar N.Y. Flower Festival.--------------
On Jan17Tuesday(Lunar N.Y. flower festival opened to attract a lot of people. Many market stalls,stands said that(1) shoppers seldom haggled over the price ($6,000) (2) The souvenirs portrayed what politic life was like by CEO. (3) A posh,classy,fashionable stall were specially for the young.
(3) the posh stalls were found $500 BOX SET of T-Shirts,glasses,key-chains,Lai-See Packets,Caligraphy on Red+Gold printings. (3) The posh party found $280 lucky-bag containing necklaces,clothing-gifts. (2)Political carricatures were printed for sale,eg."He's jealous because Tong won", "Jealous of his reputation" "Good died young". (2)It seems to be an omen of fortelling his enemy or July1st parade,march-past! (2)CEO's weak govt shouldn't be involved in politics! (2)The Web-site for shopping for Mainland people were successful!(1) The peach-blossom trees were doing a prosperous business because there were bargains about the price!

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