和朋友間的問候, 幫我用英語翻譯一下。

2012-01-18 5:41 am

回答 (7)

2012-01-19 1:48 pm
XXX and I have mentioned you a few days ago. We've been saying that you have worked seriously . We were guessing if you went back to Korea. Here is hot. I'm tired and don't want to work.
參考: 從小在國外讀書的自己(現在還在國外)
2012-01-18 3:59 pm
XXX and I mentioned only a few days before you are super when you said you used to work in earnest. Guess you did back to Korea. Our side is hot, do not want to go to work, tired.
2012-01-18 7:33 am
XXX and I talked about you several days ago. We all agreed that you were such a diligent anddedicated coworker. We also wondered if you have gone back to Korea. It’s getting really hot here recently, making me fell so tired and not wanting to come to work.
2012-01-18 7:06 am
XXX and I just mentioned you couple days ago, saying that you worked very hard back then.

We're also wondering if you have gone back to Korea.

It's also very hot over here and we don't want to go to work. So tired, as well.
2012-01-18 7:00 am
we talked about you the other day, we all agreed that you were such a workaholic. we wondered if you are already back in Koria. it's so hot here I sure can use a day off.

2012-01-18 6:12 am
我和XXX之前幾天才提過你,都說你以前工作時都超認真的。 (XXX and I mentioned only a few days before you are super when you said you used to work in earnest.)

還在猜想妳有沒有回韓國了。(Guess you did back to Korea.)

我們這邊也很熱,都不想上班了,好累。(Our side is hot, do not want to go to work, tired.)
參考: 自己 我去過美國
2012-01-18 6:05 am

I mentioned of you several days ago with one of our friends. They all said that you were a very hard working person. Also, we wondered if you have had back to Korea or not. The weather here was too hot for us to feel like working. Feel so tired.

參考: rabbit

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