chem question

2012-01-16 11:32 pm

a dse mock paper question
i want to know the answer

回答 (2)

2012-01-17 5:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
I could only give you hints:
- Calculate the D.B.E., it should contain a benzene ring.
- The compound given in the question contains 2 O atoms. Then surely it could be an ester or acid.
- Think about the non-polar impurities in the sample and step (2)
- Consider the no. of carbon atoms, and think about the addition of HCl to the mixture, which gives precipitate.
- X can decolorizes Br2 in organic solvent, C=C bond(s) exist.

Actually this is mock and please try your best to answer it. Remember that no one could give you such hints in public exams. Add oil.
參考: Knowledge is power.
2012-01-18 3:20 pm
if you want to know your answer, post yours and we'll check with you.
if you have no idea what the question's doing / suggesting, say so.

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