曾氏通道 - 是否有此軟件?

2012-01-16 8:40 pm
請問各位高人: 是否真的有曾氏通道這個軟件? 是否付費可成為網上會員。如有,可否給我網址。 謝謝

Kee : metastock 的軟件適合香港用嗎? 跟曾氏通道有非常近似功能? 有沒有中文版呀? 另外一個網址打不開,能否再給我?? 謝謝!


用 metastock ,我是付擔不來的。但我可怎樣才能經常地獲得曾氏通道資料?? 先謝謝你提供資料!

回答 (2)

2012-01-18 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
曾氏通道 is a statistics calculation of HSI. You can use Metastock provided that you have it. Or go to below website which use Excel make it.


2012-01-19 17:41:07 補充:
Metastock is a professional analysis software, cost HK$12,000, and need to pay data feed $600 monthly.

The above link is correct, don't click the link directly, select and copy it then paste on the address bar, because the last bracket is missing if directly clicking it.

2012-01-19 18:10:06 補充:
I have Metastock Tseng Channel for your reference.


2012-01-19 23:29:12 補充:
You can make yourself by setting formula in a Excel file, type "曾氏通道 excel" in Google, you'll have lots of links!!
2012-01-18 2:42 am

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