How can i go to schools in UK?

2012-01-15 8:59 pm
Since my chinese is very bad and cant go to universe if i continue to study at HK , my parents suggest me to go find a school in UK, but well, i dont rlly KNOW how to do it, and 'google'ing it seems not working, so, if there's any1 that knows how, plz, tell me ? thx. and i'm f.4 now.

回答 (2)

2012-01-16 1:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
halo, 我係英國讀緊書, 希望幫到你丫=]

1) How can i go to schools in UK?

>> 有幾個方法既, 第一, 就係去搵升學agent, 俾你既成績同埋reference letter 佢地, 之後同佢地講你想入咩既學校, 咁佢地就會幫你搵. 咁之後經過entrance test 之後, 就可以入讀了. 但當然搵agent 就要俾extra 既錢啦, 但係好好就在, agent 識得既學校都唔少, 所以佢地可以介紹到唔同既學校俾你既.

>> 如果真係唔想哂錢, 你可以搵一d 升學既展覽, 係會展成日都有, 有一d 中學, 係會派個代表黎, 即刻黎收生, 即in 人既, 所以呢, 你可以去下呢一d 睇下有冇你想入既學校, 如果有既話, 就可以即刻面試, 睇下你可唔可以入到, 好就好在, 可以唔駛through agent 但係呢一d exhibition唔係成日有, 同埋都有好多人去, 而choice 唔多.

>> 再唔係, 你可以自己搵學校, 上網email 佢地睇下佢仲有冇位, 即係自己去approach 間學校, 但係好多時, 佢地either 會re 得你好慢, 又或者叫你自己填application, 咁個process 會慢少少, 呢個就要睇下你既preference 係點啦.

>> 再唔係, 你可以睇下可唔可以讀完個dse, 先去英國讀書, 咁就可以哂番at least 4年係英國留學既錢, 可以俾你入大學, 咁可能會好d. 因為你係hk, 都係可以用dse 既成績去入大學, 亦可以自己考gce 而用呢個成績去apply 英國大學的,

希望幫到你丫, 有d咩可以再email我的=]
參考: 多年uk留學exp :]
2012-01-15 9:42 pm
If you have some relatives studying or living in there, you can try to contact them and find a space to go in.
U can also try entering exams, make more confidience and maybe some ppl will ask you to study there.
Since your just F.4, you can wait till F.6 to enter universities there.
Travel there for more times to learn more about their culture, can be easier to study there.
參考: Me

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