"All is right" 這句子是否正確?

2012-01-15 4:36 pm
有否人這樣用? 文法是否正確,為什麼?

回答 (4)

2012-01-15 5:27 pm
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All is right. 這句子絕對正確。

"all" is a pronoun here, representing the whole number or amount (全體, 一切, 全部). Hence, it should take on a singular verb when used as a subject.
2012-01-16 1:15 am
Of course, "All is right" is correct and often used.
If you google, you will get many examples such as:

2012-01-15 17:18:31 補充:
"is allright或者everything is allright" does not mean exactly the same as "All is right."
2012-01-15 10:22 pm
2正確,意思=everything is right/nothing is wrong.
一般用all(副詞) correct(形容詞)(全對,比如答題),因為越簡越好,不夠簡的自然少人用.
all可以是名詞,代名詞,形容詞,副詞,如果all作形容詞:all apples用眾數.就要用are
002都正確,用alright/all right=好/全對,才1個字,但意思=all is right的省略,所以很多人用:everything is alright/all right(每件事/一切都好/對)都行
2012-01-15 8:08 pm
通常會用is allright或者everything is allright。

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