Kids and teens are so spoiled these days.?

2012-01-15 7:50 am
I went to a ski resort yesterday and 80% of people there were young teens with their own skiing or snowboarding equipment. Where do they get the money from? The equipment are not cheap. What are the parents doing these days? They need to stop spoiling their children.

回答 (8)

2012-01-15 9:19 am
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Spoiling? I think the parents that buy their kid every new video game that comes out, or on their sweet sixtieth a brand new car which they total within the year are the parents that are spoiling kids. Not ones that try to support a healthy active sport that is extremely fun and rewarding.

You shouldn't be so quickly to judge people. First off I have nice equipment, Did I pay for it all? no, but did I work my *** off this summer to pay for a good amount of it, yes. You also have to take in account that you probably saw kids who live actually in the mountains close to the resort. They are wearing expensive clothing and using expensive equipment because they use it everyday, your crappy walmart snow pants aren't going to hold up for 50 + days a year (I had 34 days last year and my pants somewhere within the $200 +range were even starting to come apart)

And I just realized you never even said you saw kids with nice equipment on the hill, but with their own?, uh did you think they would be using somebody else's?

and @Simmi, I'm more worried about our future If people continue to type like the way you are, basic spelling and grammar is not that ******* hard
2012-01-15 3:55 pm
You're over-reacting:
-maybe the kids bought their own equipment;
-maybe they earned it doing chores;
-maybe they bought it used;
-maybe it was what they got for Christmas;
-maybe the parents think that such outdoor activities are healthier than sitting in front of a TV or computer, and worth the investment;
-at what age do you think kids should start skiing/snowboarding?
2012-01-16 4:27 am
Gees I guess you could have seen my two teens in the mix I suppose. What makes you think they are spoiled? My husband and I are successful business owners and can afford trips like this because we work hard and are wise with our money.

My Kids are certainly not spoiled. My 17 year old has a job and bought his own car. By himself. He pays his own insurance too! They do their own laundry and have other odd chores around the house. My daughter volunteers at an animal shelter. They are great kids and we love to do things like this as a family. We went to a resale shop to buy all the gear for snowboarding and rent our skis, so we have saved hundreds of dollars. But you wouldn't know that would you?

Stop being so judgmental!
2012-01-15 3:56 pm
I think u r quite right . Todays kids r really spoiled I m worried abt the future !!!!!!!
2012-01-15 3:56 pm
Kill them. Do it. Kill them.


As one falls into the abyss he shall drag along the rest. Satan (666:3)
2012-01-16 5:47 am
Well you say that, but these snow teens probably are obsessed with ski/snowboarding, so they get these things instead of say a gaming console, laptop, designer clothes that other kids would get.

For example I got kitted out with board boots and bindings as a joint christmas birthday presnts, (ok tbf I felt really spoiled getting about £200 of other equipment with it too)
2012-01-16 2:18 am
They could be saving their money for a long time... or get money from Christmas or their birthday.
And yes some parents do spoil there children
2012-01-15 9:25 pm
I got skiing equipment from my grandparents and parents. For some teenagers and kids, that's their passion and they really love it so they asked for their own.
參考: Talked to a girl who had her own snowboard.

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