
2012-01-15 5:04 am

甲方 ( 以下稱 "二房東" ) 姓名: 乙方 ( 以下稱 "租客" ) 姓名: 雙方同意訂約如下 一 甲方將(地址) 以每個月租金(美元) 租予乙方,並需以壹個月(美元) 作上期。 二 乙方每月繳交之租金已包括單位內之水、電、煤氣費用。 三 乙方租用期由 年 月 日開始,該月租金及上期必須於入住前付清。 四 甲、 乙雙方如需終止合約,必須要壹個月前通知或以壹個月租金作代通知金。 五 乙方必須於每個月最遲5號前要繳清該月之租金;乙方如超過壹個月或以上未繳清租金,不論任何原因,均視作單方面終止租約,甲方有權向乙方追討有關之租金或代通知金,並有權無條件收回該單位或房間之租約權及管理權而不需另行通知,管理權包括:自由進出該單位或房間,處理單位或房間內所有事項或物件等。 對於以上內容,雙方均同意及明白,並以簽署作實如下: 二房東: 租客:日期: 日期:

回答 (6)

2012-01-18 1:20 am

Party (hereinafter referred to as "principal tenant") Name:

Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant") Name

Contract as agreed
A Party to (address) to rent per month (U.S. $) leased to Party B, and the need for One-month (U.S. $) for the period.

Two B pay a monthly rental units have been included within the water, electricity and gas costs.

B lease period from three years onwards, the monthly rent and the previous period must be paid prior to arrival.

Tetracarboxylic, for both parties to terminate the contract, must be One months notice or one month's rent for One in lieu of notice.

Five B must be no later than 5 a month before the month's rent to be paid; B, such as One month or more than not paid the rent, for any reason, are deemed to unilaterally terminate the lease, Party A has B the right to recover the rent or payment in lieu of, and has an unconditional right to withdraw the unit or room of the lease rights and management rights without further notice, management include: free access to the unit or room, processing units or rooms all events or objects, etc.

For the above, both sides agree and understand, and to sign on as follows:

Main tenant: tenant:
Date: Date:
2012-01-17 6:50 pm
去文具店買一份現成租約, 中英文對照版, 五塊錢, 港幣咋.....

你所擬定的版本太簡陋了, 加上網上求譯, 水準參差, 譯得唔好, 拿上法庭都係廢紙一張。


2012-01-17 17:59:21 補充:
現成租約基本有齊你上述所要求的條件, 買一份將不適用亡條款删走, D字眼總堅過自己寫, 再找人譯!
2012-01-16 3:21 am
多謝你呀, 不過, 我英文水平都唔好,唔知可否幫手整理下呢? 其實根據我打的在每個項目上打番出來就OK了,真的萬分感激喔!THANK YOU SO MUCH

2012-01-17 14:53:49 補充:
好多謝你呀,真的有嗎? 但係我所寫的是個別CASE, 唔係係文具店買的條款。雖然簡單,但總比我家人之前用開的好好多,煩請照翻譯就行,我會再過慮的,感激!
My email: [email protected]

2012-01-17 18:06:01 補充:
2012-01-16 1:34 am

2012-01-15 17:34:19 補充:

This Rental Agreement or Residential Lease shall evidence the complete terms and conditions under which the parties whose signatures appear below have agreed. Landlord/Lessor, 甲姓名, shall be referred to as "OWNER" and Tenant(s)/Lessee, 乙姓名, shall be referred to as "RESIDENT." As consideration for this agreement, OWNER agrees to rent/lease to RESIDENT and RESIDENT agrees to rent/lease from OWNER for use solely as a private residence, the premises located at 精確地址in the city of 州份.

1. TERMS: RESIDENT agrees to pay in advance預繳 $租金(including water, power and gas supply) per month on or before the __5th__ day of each month. This agreement shall commence on 租約生效日期, and continue; (check one)租金,交租日,租約生期日
A.finish until 租約期滿日(月,日,年), as a leasehold. Thereafter it shall become a month-to-month tenancy. If RESIDENT should move from the premises prior to the expiration of this time period, he shall be liable for all rent due until such time that the Residence is occupied by an OWNER approved paying RESIDENT and/or expiration of said time period, whichever is shorter. If RESEDENT cannot pay the rent within one month or more, no matter what, shall be regarded as termination of this agreement, OWNER has the uncondiontal legal power to takeover the tenacy and management of premises without further notice, with management includes occupation of premises every single item inside. 第5點
B.finish until 租約期滿日(月,日,年), on a month-to-month tenancy until either party shall terminate this agreement by giving a written notice of intention to terminate at least 30 days prior to the date of termination, or amount of one-month rent payment in lieu of notice instead.

2012-01-15 17:38:06 補充:
2012-01-15 6:17 am

Party (hereinafter referred to as "principal tenant") Name:

Party B (hereinafter referred to as "Tenant") Name:

Contract as agreed

A Party to (address) to rent per month (U.S. $) leased to Party B, and the need for One-month (U.S. $) for the period.

Two B pay a monthly rental units have been included within the water, electricity and gas costs.

B lease period from three years onwards, the monthly rent and the previous period must be paid prior to arrival.

Tetracarboxylic, for both parties to terminate the contract, must be One months notice or one month's rent for One in lieu of notice.

Five B must be no later than 5 a month before the month's rent to be paid; B, such as One month or more than not paid the rent, for any reason, are deemed to unilaterally terminate the lease, Party A has B the right to recover the rent or payment in lieu of, and has an unconditional right to withdraw the unit or room of the lease rights and management rights without further notice, management include: free access to the unit or room, processing units or rooms all events or objects, etc.

For the above, both sides agree and understand, and to sign on as follows:

Main tenant: tenant:

Date: Date:
2012-01-15 5:55 am
Because home rental in a foreign country, is the identity of the said sham head tenants rented a room to the others, but the tenant not only closed the door one day, wonder has disappeared! Just open the room door, two elderly home is wasted $ thousands of mosquitoes find a lawyer file just to open door, and get, but in order to protect their (limited their culture), I made a good point of Chinese lease, now sincere people help translate, grateful! Fruit, in each of the above Chinese translation in English, thank you!

LeaseA (hereinafter referred to as "principal tenant") name:B (hereinafter referred to as "tenant") name:

Both sides agreed to the contracting authority are as follows
1) A (address) on a per-month rent (US $) let to B, and to one month (USD) for prior period.2) B to pay a monthly rent include flat water, electricity and gas costs.3) B leasing period starting from the date, the month rent and previous period must be paid prior to arrival.4) A,B If you want to terminate the contract between the two sides, it is necessary to notice or one month ago to one months ' rent in lieu of notice.5) B must Yu each months most late 5th, Qian to paid Qing the months of rent; B as over one a months or above is not paid Qing rent, regardless of any causes, are depending on for unilateral terminated lease, A right to to B chasing recovered about of rent or generation notification gold, and right to unconditional recovered the units or room of lease right and the management right and does not needed separately notification, management right include: free in and out of the units or room, processing units or room within all matters or object,.For the above, the two sides have agreed to and understood, and firm to sign are as follows:

Head tenant: tenant: date: date:
參考: 憑我的英文水平所翻出的東東=-=”

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