
2012-01-14 8:08 pm
Thank you for your information. They will reply us the situation on next Monday. Thanks.
多謝你的資料. 對方會在下星期覆回我們. 謝謝! (這樣寫文法有無不妥?)

回答 (5)

2012-01-15 12:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
的確意見001+答案001都啱,唔係文法問題(reply us或reply us on the situation,preposition小事,唔影響意思,唔算咩grammar錯),而係內容問題,你得呢句,都唔知你前文有冇提過覆乜,你中文都冇提,英文夾硬+個the situation,下星期又變next Monday...多謝又講兩次...

Thank you for your information. They will reply us next week/Monday(睇返你真實意思), and we will inform you as soon as possible/asap(佢地覆我地,再通知你方結果/進度,先係完整意思卦?asap係官方接受嘅簡寫,但長寫都冇問題,重有禮貌d,其實禮貌又睇大家關係點,合作耐可以求其d,唔熟可以禮貌d,但唔代表要thank兩次)
2012-01-19 9:12 pm
giner2011 is correct!

(1) reply to somebody with something
(2) reply that
2012-01-15 5:17 pm
- The verb "reply" should not take an indirect object.
(correct use: reply to somebody with something)
- It is incorrect to put a preposition "on" in front of the adverbial "next Monday".

The correct sentences should be:

Thank you for your information. They will reply to us with the situation next Monday.
2012-01-15 6:58 am
Thank you for your information. They will reply us next Monday.
(This may seem better.)
2012-01-14 8:24 pm
Thank you for your information. (The said party)'ll reply us the situation next Monday.

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