Ear drops, dog ear infection?

2012-01-14 5:51 am
What is best and why?
Drops with hydrocortisone?
Or hydrocortisone free drops?

I HAVE brought him to the vet.
The drops they give clear it up for the use of the drops but then comes right back. He said I should get an over the counter medication to use 3-5 times a week to maintain it. Said hydrocortisone was at my discretion. So just getting input.

回答 (11)

2012-01-14 6:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
He could have something different that that medicine wont cure. There is some stuff that you squirt a little in the ear and rub the ear for a minute to loosen everything up and then wipe it out with a tissue. DO NOT use a q-tip in your dogs ear. It is called Excel, ear cleaning liquid. You can get it from any pet store. I paid 5.99 for it. It really helps. Does your dog has floppy ears? They tend to get dirty faster and not dry out when they get wet and this causes an infection. Did your vet take a culture and look at it under the microscope to make sure your dog don't have ear mites?

My dog gets a type of yeast infection in his ear about once a year. I have to get a salve from the vet and use it twice a day for 7 days to completely get it to go away. Nothing else will cure it.
I would find a different vet. Look in your dogs ear with a flashlight and see if you can see any black spots. That might be mites or that yeast infection also. I have to keep my dogs ears super clean all the time. But he likes it now because he knows I am helping him.
Good luck!!
2012-01-14 5:57 am
Perhaps the food you are feeding him is what is causing this. I had the same thing happen with my dog and switched to another dog food such as Blue Mountain Large Breed Chicken and brown rice. His ear infection went away. That and the drops the Vet gave me.
2012-01-14 5:54 am
Id bring my dog to a different vet honestly, if you get the wrong stuff you could make it worse. Sorry, wish i could be of more help but i never had a vet suggest to me I go get some over the counter medicine rather then use theirs alone. Especially cause it keeps coming back.
2016-10-05 6:09 pm
Ear Drops For Dogs
2016-09-04 11:20 pm
參考: Cure tinnitus 100% with this... https://nimbleurl.com/t/?as553
2016-05-31 2:22 pm
Hi, I understand that you are looking for some advice or resources to help fully train your dog or fix behavior problems. If a professional dog trainer is not an option at this time, or if you want to trt training your dog on your own (a great way to bond), I'd suggest you https://biturl.im/aU6De

A friend recommened it to me a few years ago, and I was amazed how quickly it worked, which is why I recommend it to others. The dog training academy also has as an excellent home training course.
2016-05-21 12:22 pm
I have a son, Joey Niceforo, who is a young 27 year old tenor, with a group called "DESTINO" recording in Vancouver Bc, Canada.

For the last few weeks Joey has had a cold. Just a few days ago he developed an ear ache, a swollen ear and loss of hearing. He was diagnosed with serous otitis media (middle ear infection).

The major concern we have is that Joey and the Group DESTINO have been booked to open the Marie Osmond show in Disney World on April 3,

Have a quick remedy for our son??

Joey's ear got better just before flying.

He also got the special ear plugs for flying, and arrived in Florida, from Vancouver, on April 1st. On April 2nd he told us the ear was almost 100 percent, and he will, with the other, great DESTINO tenors be performing, in the COLORADO BALL ROOM DISNEY WORLD tonight at 7 pm.

This help was so effective, and helpful, to our young Canadian tenor, Joey Niceforo. I'm sure this input and therapy advice will, and has helped others.
2016-04-03 7:16 pm
For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/awIRs

If it is that serious, why havnt you brought the dog to a vet yet?
2015-08-12 10:29 am
This Site Might Help You.

Ear drops, dog ear infection?
What is best and why?
Drops with hydrocortisone?
Or hydrocortisone free drops?

I HAVE brought him to the vet.
The drops they give clear it up for the use of the drops but then comes right back. He said I should get an over the counter medication to use 3-5 times a week to maintain it. Said...
參考: ear drops dog ear infection: https://biturl.im/0s3yH
2012-01-14 6:37 am
If it is an allergic condition, hydrocortisone (a steroid) is indicated because it combats inflammation.
However, it inhibits healing from infections, so if the cause is viral, bacterial, or fungal, the steroid is contraindicated. I think you need a second veterinary opinion. Be sure to use any meds that are dispensed according to the vet's directions, and for as long as they tell you to. Stopping too soon is a prime reason for recurrences.

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