Why do people still buy xbox 360s?

2012-01-14 5:13 am
I just dont get what would drive people to buy an Xbox. maybe if you could rent an xbox for long enough to beat the gears of war and halo games then return it that might be worth it but other than that whats the point? buying one is just a rental anyways because they stop working a week after the warranty runs out? the entire Xbox section of yahoo answers is people asking about issues their Xbox is having. "wont open" "freezes" "wont read disk" "wont close" and so on. yet the PlayStation section is all questions about games and stuff. just somebody give me a reason an Xbox would be worth getting.

回答 (9)

2012-01-14 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Kinect is really fun, they have games that Ps3 doesn't have and the Ps3 have games that Xbox doesn't have..

The graphic are better looking on Ps3 dedicated game, some game made for both console will run smoother on the Xbox 360, like Skyrim, Skate to name just a few.

Money wise Ps3 is better. (Microsoft charge you for everything, battery for controller, charger, online gaming).

Offline gaming experience, both console provide what you pay for, entertainment.

Online gaming I will have to agree with most people, Xbox live got a better community, speed wise both console provide.

Time life, it's like a gamble, some win and some lose.

I would recommend both console.
參考: Owner of both console.
2012-01-14 1:25 pm
I'm not sure what you're ranting on about. My Xbox lasted for four years before I sold it to upgrade to the newest slim edition. The slim has been going strong as well and the warranty expired over seven months ago. The live experience can't be beat. Sure it's not free but it definitely beats Playstation Network. Remember that one time where the network went down for nearly a month? Xbox sales have been going strong compared to any other game console. They've gone down 7% over the past year compared to PS3's 28% and Wii's nearly 50%.
2012-01-14 1:22 pm
because they like the xbox!
2012-01-14 1:14 pm
Cause they kick ***?
參考: Halo is the reason they buy it
2012-01-14 1:31 pm
Xbox 360 is primarily made for game and most hardcore gamers prefer xbox live compare to PS3 online system. PS3 is multi-media...
2012-01-14 1:41 pm
Because they want to buy the Kinect.
2012-01-14 1:37 pm
I know how you feel, with the console wars going on it's hard to decide what console to get. When it comes down to having fun, xbox wins. it's thats simple. you can't get Halo on PS3, that's the other thing. Halo is one of the best games made and it basically started xbox. Anyway yes when you down to specs ps3 is a little better but not by a whole lot. sure it loads better and hes blu ray but still, if enough people have xboxs when everyone know ps3 is pretty respectable then its obvious why everyone has one. another thing is storage, 160 gb on ps3 320 gb on xbox. wont read disk freezes red ring, all this stuff rare. it happens from time to time but all you have to do is get warranty. i have the new xbox and havent had problems at all. it's the older ones that were poorly made but yet everyone kept on buying them. although i do agree with this problem right after warranty. just get warranty. its that simple. and halo is not just about beating it. its the online. its nothing like call of duty. its amazing because everyone has an equal chance at killing their opponent. and you keep doing it on and on thats why its fun, its just not like that on ps3. after about 5 hours your just gonna get bored and lose the thrill. its never like that with xbox. bottom line why do they buy them AMAZING GAMEPLAY
參考: beta tester i have every mainstream console
2012-01-17 6:40 am
lol youre saying the playstation has no problems at all? you can buy a ps3 console and itll never have errors? hate to tell you everything electronically wont always function for life. thats why they make MORE AND MORE AND MORE not everything lasts
2012-01-14 1:14 pm
Great question. I hate Xbox with a passion.

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