Is God able to do wrong?

2012-01-13 1:43 pm
God must be able to do wrong, or He himself wouldn't have free will, right?

Or if God does something evil, does that automatically make it good, because He did it?

回答 (20)

2012-01-13 1:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案

He is Holy.

Romans 1:20
2012-01-13 1:47 pm
Well, gods don't really exist. But, if you read the Bible, that mythological god is a borderline psychopath. Murder, genocide, torture, war, child abuse, subjugation of women, slavery... the list goes on.
2012-01-13 1:44 pm
Of course, since god was created by humans and acts just like one.
2012-01-13 1:44 pm
You are confusing them, stop it.
2012-01-13 1:51 pm
@God is my Salvation

Quote: "Is God able to do wrong? no

God must be able to do wrong, or He himself wouldn't have free will, right? no wrong

if God does something evil, does that automatically make it good, because He did it? no"

Your third answer contradicts your first answer. God is the creator of everything. Something can only exist if God created it. God created all evil. According to you this is not good, but at the same time you state that God cannot do wrong. You also indirectly state that free will does not require the existence of evil, by which you confirm that God is evil by creating all evil, as this was not required for our free will. In short, you have just stated that God is evil.
2012-01-13 1:51 pm
"God must be able to do wrong, or He himself wouldn't have free will, right?"

I think he already day - all these 'perfect' beings he created somehow magically had desires to do bad things....yet he never created these desires in them.....strange that - either God has made mistakes, or someone else has control over his him and his universe.


"Or if God does something evil, does that automatically make it good, because He did it?"

Yes, that's why the North Koreans....sorry, Christians, will praise him whatever crimes he does, because if god does it, then it's good.

'Good' and 'evil' is subjectively defined by what god likes and doesn't like us doing. Anything he does counts as good, the little hypocrite.
2012-01-13 1:45 pm
...Or if God can do anything at all, can he make a rock that is too heavy for him to lift? How is he be God if he can't make it...or lift it?
2012-01-13 1:49 pm
As there is no God, this question does not arise.
2012-01-13 1:44 pm
he created me so he can either do wrong or has a twisted sense of humor
2012-01-13 1:45 pm
Is God able to do wrong? no

God must be able to do wrong, or He himself wouldn't have free will, right? no wrong

if God does something evil, does that automatically make it good, because He did it?

2012-01-13 1:59 pm
when i asked why we were created? they told me because god was a creator. how could he not create?
now with the same point of view:
how can a pure good thing do something bad? its against its nature.

so does this mean his will is limited?
i find no reason to say no.
2012-01-13 1:55 pm
Interesting question. I think no, because according to my understanding, God is the One who DEFINES what is right and what is wrong. In other words, if God says something is right, then that makes it so.

To the asker: what is your opinion? -curious
2012-01-13 1:53 pm
Its more like do as I say and not what I do. The biggest source of information people have about God is the Bible.
It was written by men, they gave God a personality based on what they thought God should be like.
2012-01-13 1:48 pm
God gives command such that anything that exists, exists because of His command. God makes the rules, and the means by which we understand the rules. Therefore, if God does it... He does it because He is God, He has no judge. What "right" is right, because God makes it right. Without God, there would be no right or wrong, and He is the dictator of such.

"if God does something evil, does that automatically make it good, because He did it?" No, that's missing the point. What God does... is good. God does not "do evil", in the context of "what is wrong", and then it becomes good. If God does it... it is good to begin with, automatically. It wasn't evil and then changed to good. God does it, it is good.
2012-01-13 1:55 pm
NO, God is not able to do wrong. He is completely GOOD, Just, and there is no evil in him, therefore he can not do any wrong.
2012-01-13 2:21 pm
Yes, he made you. His first mistake.
2012-01-13 1:47 pm
he cant go against his own character
2012-01-13 1:52 pm
Omnipresent is the state of existing in all time. However, being free from the darkness of sin, is one of God's key attributes. (John 1:1-14) So if it's not time that someone is existing in when doing something wrong, it is sinful. But the wages of sin is death. (Romans 6:23)

Job 28:28 States we should take a more humble attitude when approaching God.
2012-01-13 1:50 pm

: incapable of error : unerring
: not liable to mislead, deceive, or disappoint : certain
: incapable of error in defining doctrines touching faith or morals
2012-01-13 1:49 pm
God is holy. He has no desire to do wrong and has never done wrong.

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