i heart question mark (英文高手請入)

2012-01-13 9:34 pm
Taylor Swift有首歌叫 i heart question mark

我想問點解用i , 唔用my ?

回答 (4)

2012-01-19 11:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案

個歌名 I heart question mark 系等於 I ♥ ?


意思係Taylor想同個男仔講 佢而家中2邊個係無人知咁解!!


歌詞中" Wish you could only see I got an "I heart ?", written on the back of my hand" 就系想同個男仔暗示 Tay可能已經唔再中意佢啦.

呢個只系一個informal 嘅用法.

並唔符合任何formal sentence structure...

同 " I ♥ YOU " , " I ♥ HK " 用法完全一樣!!
參考: Myself - A crazi Swiftie :)
2012-01-22 11:28 pm
I , heart , question mark 等於 I ♥ (you) ?

I add the commas in between to make it clear. It is 3 nouns put together with no verbs. If you look at the MTV of the song, you can clearly see that is what it means. So it is another way to say I don't think I love you any more. Clever.

2012-01-23 17:35:58 補充:
If you don't see it yet, watch this
I heart question mark
I ♥ ?

All of a sudden, it becomes I love (U) ?
2012-01-16 3:33 am
由於 "i heart" 同 "A hard"
所以就用 "i heart question mark" 啦.
P.S. 前面果位解錯左..... >.<
2012-01-13 9:52 pm
"my" is the possessive form of I.which belongs to the song-writer.May be used in exclamation to express surprise etc. Or used when showing affection in show business.Or he considers audience have a lower status than him.
"I" used as subject;who knows?

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