
2012-01-12 6:55 am

回答 (4)

2012-01-12 7:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
My job position is a tour guide, having the passion and knowledge makes me being confident with the tourist, and guide them through every single show-piece with details. I gain satisfaction and joys throughout my work, never get tired.

I am positive thinking and self-motivate, always try to upgrade myself by learnig new things. This makes me able to react properly according to the situation.
Hoping i could join force to your company and showcasting my abilities.
參考: myself
2012-01-12 6:57 pm
My current job is a tour guide.
I have professinal knowledge and passion to describe the story of each works for the vistors.
I get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from this working experience.
My personality is postive and optimistic.
I have courage and strong learning attitude to try new things and face new people.
I really hope you can give me a chance to show my abilities. Thank you very much!
參考: 自己
2012-01-12 5:10 pm
目前的工作是導覽人員,我具備著專業的知識和熱情,為參觀者解說展覽的任何一件作品,在這其中裡我得到了很多快樂與滿足,My currently job is a tour guide. I am confident to be with professional knowledge and passion to describe the story of each piece of works for the visitors. I get a lot of pleasure and satisfaction from such working environment.我的個性是積極和正面思考的,對於接觸新的人事物而面對的態度,是勇於嘗試和有強烈的學習心態,希望貴公司能給我表現的機會,謝謝!My personality is aggressive and I am always on the positive thinking way. I would like to be with courage and strongly learning attitude to touch (OR face) new things and people. I do hope that your company would give me a chance to perform myself in your organization well, thanks.
2012-01-12 4:19 pm
Currently of work is Guide Tour personnel, I has with professional of knowledge and enthusiasm, for visited who explanation exhibition of any a works, in this which in I are has many happy and meet, I of personality is actively and positive thinking of, for contact new of people things and face of attitude, is courage to attempts to and has strongly of learning mentality, hope your company can to I performance of opportunities, thanks!

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