How do I proceed in this situation?

2012-01-10 11:46 pm
A month ago I had a meeting with my professor asking if she would provide recommendation letters for graduate schools. She said although my perpetual lateness to class was dragging my grade down she would have wait to see all of my class work (papers and tests) to determine my final grade. She required a grade of A- or A in order to provide recommendations. Then I can just contact her during winter break and drop off recommendation forms.
The grades came in a week ago (got an A-) and I emailed her informing her of the grade I received. Today she emails me back saying something to the effect of "I now have too many recommendations to write and cannot dedicate any more of my time to this so I cannot write your recommendation letters". I need her to write three letters of recommendation or I will not be able to apply to three of the eight graduate schools on my list. Is there anything further I can do?

Another professor seems to have only completed the online recommendations and failed to mail out the paper recommendations. She received those nearly a month ago as well. How do I word a reminder that doesn't blatantly sound like "you forgot to mail them"?

回答 (2)

2012-01-10 11:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
She politely told you that if she wrote a recommendation, it would not be a sufficiently good one for it to help you. You will need to find other professors to write the recommendations. Believe me, she did you a favor by declining to write.

Lateness is totally unacceptable in graduate school and in employment and she apparently felt compelled, in order to maintain her reputation for honesty and thoroughness, to mention it in any letter she might have written.

A requirement of an A- grade for a letter is not the same as a promise to write the letter. A letter requires more than the minimum requirement.

I am sorry to have had to tell you the hard facts of life.

Best wishes.
參考: Never late for class without prior permission. Admission to a top ten law school on account of outstanding letters. J.D. Supervising attorney in a large law office. Never late to court in hundreds of appearances and I am not a "morning person". When the judge took the bench at 8 a.m., I was always at the counsel table.
2012-01-11 7:53 am
Well, I think you should tell her that she made a promise to you and she should honor it. If that does not work, ask someone else to write you an LOR.

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