英文: yourself/yourselver 分別

2012-01-11 1:59 am
求英文高手幫我yourself/yourselver 的分別

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2012-01-11 2:50 am
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yourself 1. (反身代名詞)你自己變化形 名複yourselves pron. 代名詞(反身代名詞)你自己Help yourself to whatever you like.你想吃什麼就吃什麼。(加強語氣)你親自, 你本人You yourself are to blame.是你自己不好。Did you make the cake yourself?這蛋糕是你親自做的嗎?

yourselves 1. (反身代名詞)你們自己pron. 代名詞(反身代名詞)你們自己Help yourselves to sandwiches.請你們自己隨意拿三文治吃。(用以加強語氣)你們親自, 你們本人Did you make these cakes yourselves?這些蛋糕是你們親手做的嗎?
2012-01-11 2:28 am
yourself,yourselves is pronoun plural form.
(the reflexive form of you) is used and are affected by action:-Have you hurt yourself? You don't seem quite yourself today.But enjoy yourselves!
Used to emphasize person who is being spoken to is doing something Do it yourself. you can try it out for yourself.
You yourself are the thief! People like yourself like likes.
For Idiom:- (all) by yourself/yourselves:- Usage alone:-How long were you by yourself alone in the House? Are you sure you did this typing by yourself? (all) to yourself/yourselves for only you to have to use:-Father'll be going away next week so you'll have the house to yourself. be yourself means :-Don't act sophisticated----just be hungry,be foolish,be yourself.

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