點寫apply letter for初級秘書 ?(之前未做過

2012-01-10 4:49 pm
請問點寫apply letter for初級秘書 ?

之前未做過, 經驗係做左3年receptionist


回答 (3)

2012-01-15 10:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
The requirement is depend on the nature of the company. For example, the requirement of law film will be high.

Since you don't have experience, they will concentrate on your attitude, acedamic result and your potiental. You must show great interested in being a secretary, very humble, detail minded and strong in taking care of ppls. You must dress-up and have light make up. For my opinion, better to wear suit (don't wear short skirt!). Tightly hair, not extreme accessories. Good posture, don't have large moment, good smile, mature. Polite and stay calm.

Junior secretary need to obay to senior secretary, hard working and "be a good girl". Job duties may include prepare for meeting, do minutes, making appointment for the boss and communicate with related ppls, such as clients. Also, need to take care of the boss, including his/her personal issues.

For the question, she/ he must test your language, English & Putonghua. If you don't have "at least" fair English. Give up.

Questions may as belows:

1. Why you are interested in our company?

2. How do you know about our company? Tell me what you know

3. Why you are interested in being a secretary?

4. Do you have any related experience?

5. What do you think about being a secretary?

6. What do junior secretary do? Tell me about what you guess/ think/ know

7. Tell me about yourself (that means your personality)

8. Why do you think you are suitable for this job? (experience, desire, personality)

9. Why is your future plan? (related to the career plan)

10. Do you have any question? (think 1-2 clever questions)

Female boss is not a big problem, although female are normally troblemsome than men, so male boss are worser. Let's think, male boss maybe "take your advantages", say "dirty joke"; if you can build good relationship with female boss, they will treat you very good, more than a boss to staff, maybe like a mother/ sister/ friend treat you.
2012-01-11 3:22 am
. Marketing & customer service
PART TIME - 一星期工作2-3天, 每天4- 5小時, $3000- 4000, 彈性時間工作, 不影響正職學業FULL TIME - 良好晉升機會及公司旅遊獎賞, Commission制, 月入可達20000上, 有公司技巧及心態培訓
* 不論任何學歷背景, 只要良好認真的工作態度均可!
填下面表格, 盡快聯絡面見機會表格
2012-01-10 5:54 pm
首先你想做秘書, 英文真係要學好...咩叫apply letter? 只有application letter 沒有 apply letter...天啊真係死火囉.

隨便係google search keyword "application letter" 都有一堆跑出來

參考: google 及 自已

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