
2012-01-11 6:24 am

請不要用翻譯機 因為會翻得怪怪的


大家好 我叫XXX 今年17歲
認識我前我是個很安靜的人 但其實認識我後是個非常吵的人

但是現在喜歡的是韓國的Super Junior
我會一點點基本的日文 都是看電視上學的
姊姊是日文系畢業的 所以也會向她學一點
韓文也是看電視學的 姊姊跟我一樣喜歡他們
所以一起學 以後有機會我們兩個要一起去日本和韓國自助旅行

我的介紹到這裡 謝謝大家^__^

回答 (2)

2012-01-11 7:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, everybody, I am XXX, 17 years old.
My height is 162cm and my weight... Well, it's secret!
I was a quiet person to whom got to know me from the past, since then i become more in an opposite way, being noisy all the time.
Yet i am easy-going with anyone else.

I like both Japanese and Korean language and a big fan of Japanese movies and music. However my current idol is Korea's Super Junior.
I can speak some basic Japanese, all of them are learnt from TV.
My sister is graduated in Japanese language, hence i also learn from her.
She and i both like Korean drama, and learn the language together.
Whenever we got chance, we would like to visit both countries as backpacker.

2012-01-11 09:34:43 補充:
I was a quiet person to whom got to know me from the past, since then i become more in an opposite way, being noisy all the time.


I was a quiet person to whom dont know me much. Yet when you got to know me more, you will find out i am actually not.

2012-01-11 09:35:13 補充:
Hello, everybody, I am XXX, 17 years old.
My height is 162cm and my weight... Well, it's secret!
I was a quiet person to whom dont know me much. Yet when you got to know me more, you will find out i am actually not.
Yet i am easy to get alone with anyone else.

2012-01-11 09:35:39 補充:
I like both Japanese and Korean language and a big fan of Japanese movies and music. My current idol is Korea's Super Junior.
I can speak some basic Japanese, all of them are learnt from TV.

2012-01-11 09:35:56 補充:
My sister is graduated in Japanese language studies, hence i also learn from her.
She and i both like Korean drama, and learn the language together.
Whenever we got chance, one day we would like to visit both countries as backpacker.
參考: myself, 改正, 改正 Part 1, 改正 Part 2, 改正 Part 3
2012-01-11 4:49 pm
Hello my name is XXX is 17 years oldHeight 162 cm weight is secret lively and generousWho knew me before I was a very quiet but in fact we met when I was a very loud peopleBut I'm easy to get along with Oh!

I like the Japanese, and KoreanAt first contact with Japanese just for the love of Japan artistsBut now like it was Korea's Super JuniorIs watching TV I'll be a little bit of basic Japanese schoolSister to her is a Japanese graduate will also pick up a littleKorean is also a sister with me watching TV like theySo later had the opportunity to both of us have to go to Japan and Korea travel
My introduction to thank here ^__^

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