先行詞 which 與where 的用法

2012-01-11 5:08 am
In one room where all of the furniture havebeen braced and bolted down, the bookcases and television are still intact.
Now we're actually underneath the diningroom, where this house sits on top of this huge shaker.
為什麼 以上兩句 都是用 where _而不是 which
想請問一下 他是省略了哪些介系詞?
可以幫忙恢復原始的句子嗎 (拆成兩句)
例如: the dog which attacked people is my favorite. => the dog attacked people. the dog is my favorite.


我怎麼覺得antonio沒有回答到我的問題,而且我不需要這麼多例句 我只需要 講解這兩句就好...謝謝


We live where the Lin family lived last year where = in the house which 所以 In one room where all of the furniture havebeen.... where = in one room which 嗎?

回答 (3)

2012-01-11 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Which 則代替先行詞在定語從句中充當主語或賓語.

I wonder where she lives. 〔賓語從句〕我想知道她住在哪裡 。
It’s really no business of yours where I spend my summer. 〔主語從句〕
我真不知道她去哪兒了 。
I really have no idea where she has gone.〔同位語從句〕
我真不知道她去哪兒 了。
The problem is where we should put the vase. 〔
表語從句〕問題是我們把花瓶放在哪裡 呢。
England is one of the few countries where (=in which ) people drive on the left. 英國(在那裡 )是少數沿左側開車的國家之一。
We then moved to Paris, where we lived for six years. 我們后來搬到巴黎,在那裡 住了六年。

This is the pen which was given by my friend.
先行詞 指物代替先行詞在定語從句中充當主語

2012-01-10 22:43:34 補充:
Now we're actually underneath the dining room, where this house sits on top of this huge shaker.


2012-01-10 22:46:13 補充:
the dog which attacked people is my favorite
這裡使用 which而不使用where。原因很簡單,因為它沒有出現任何地方性相關的詞彙
參考: myself, it takes me lots of time to type them all, myself, myself
2012-01-13 1:55 am
休里克斯已經說很清楚了, 我再補充一點.

In one room where all of the furniture havebeen braced and bolted down, the bookcases and television are still intact. (這裡的where, 修飾的是前面的in one room, 是一個地點, 所以用where )

Now we're actually underneath the diningroom, where this house sits on top of this huge shaker. (這裡的where修飾的是前面的underneath the diningroom...也是一個地點, 所以用where)
參考: 我
2012-01-11 6:53 am

事實上 where就是直接代替「地方副詞(片語)」
你只要把關代放回形容詞子句 去作檢查

one room __________ all of the furniture have been braced and bolted down
one room為先行詞 後面這句就是它的關係子句
主格? 受格?
所以,你需要的是in介係詞→ in which (= in one room)

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