when does glee come to E4 in the UK?

2012-01-10 12:08 am
My daughter can't wait for Glee to return to E4 does anyone know when its coming

回答 (3)

2012-01-12 12:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
E4 don't show glee anymore, it's now on sky1 since the start of series 3. It returned quite a while ago, the first episode of season 3 was shown on 22nd September 2011. If you don't have sky, there are many websites that she could watch it on. I would recommend this one: http://www.cucirca.com/2010/01/14/watch-glee-online/
參考: massive gleek
2012-01-10 7:55 pm
Sky 1 airs Glee now. E4 doesn't show it anymore.
2012-01-10 8:16 am
It won't come to E4 Sky have taken it over and is now only on Sky 1
參考: This happened in about September last year

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