condensation reversible ?

2012-01-10 5:03 am
1. Peptide + Peptide ===> Dipeptide

2. Nucleotides combine to form nucleic acid by condensation .

Are the reactions reversible ?

correction : 1. amino acid + amino acid ===> Dipeptide

回答 (2)

2012-01-11 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, they are reversiible and enzymes can control the position of equilibrium in the reaction.
e.g. digestion of dipeptide in small intestine in the presence of protease
dipeptide +H2O=======>amino acid

the equilibrium this case lies somewhere near the rights so much more amino acid is formed instead of dipeptide.
參考: me
2012-01-15 3:35 am
Yes the reactions are reversible. The reverse reaction is hydrolysis.

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