
2012-01-08 10:44 pm

這是Romeo and Juliet的故事。

回答 (4)

2012-01-13 5:53 pm
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They lost their lives to each other and without hesitation. So in love with each other eventually was for family reasons is unable to love each other, or even death.This event is raised is because "hatred", if I had the big families of Montagues and Capulets peaceful coexistence there would not be willing to pull down the face this tragedy yielded did not?Although the last two families-solutions, but only at the cost two lives, lost his beloved sons and daughters in exchange for peace, will not feel happy!
2012-01-09 12:00 am
They could sacrifice their lives without hesitation. Though both were deeply in love, they were unable to be together due to the objections from both families which eventually led to their death.How this matter came about was all because of hatred. Only if the Montagues and Capulets were to put aside their differences and make up peacefully, such tragedy could have been avoided.Though both families had reconciled, having lost their beloved son and daughter and received peace in return was not a happy one.
2012-01-08 11:13 pm
They lost their lives to each other and without hesitation. So in love with each other eventually was for family reasons is unable to love each other, or even death.This event is raised is because "hatred", if I had the big families of Montagues and Capulets peaceful coexistence there would not be willing to pull down the face this tragedy yielded did not?Although the last two families-solutions, but only at the cost two lives, lost his beloved sons and daughters in exchange for peace, will not feel happy!
2012-01-08 10:51 pm
They can sacrifice their lives to each other and did not hesitate. So love the people ultimately can not love because of family factors, and even death.
Will lead to the generation of this event is because "hate" Montagues and Capulets If we had a family Kenla under these two get along there would be no peace in the face of this tragedy had not it?
While the final solution of the two families together, but at the expense of two lives, lost their beloved sons and daughters in exchange for peace, a point also will not feel happy now!

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:36:22
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