
2012-01-08 7:04 am

回答 (2)

2012-01-17 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A common diaphragmatic breathing exercise is as follows: Sit or lie comfortably, with loose garments. Put one hand on your chest and one on your stomach. Slowly inhale through your nose or through pursed lips (to slow down the intake of breath). As you inhale, feel your stomach expand with your hand. Slowly exhale through pursed lips to regulate the release of air. Rest and repeat.
Another diaphragmatic breathing exercise for raising oxygen levels in the blood and energy in the body is to take several negative breaths, immediately followed by an equal number of positive breaths. During negative breaths, one inhales, immediately exhales and then holds one's breathe for a short time. The emphasis is on keeping one's lungs empty. Negative breaths reduce the amount of oxygen in one's blood. During positive breaths, one inhales, holds one's breath, and then exhales. The emphasis is in keeping one's lungs full of air. Positive breaths increase the oxygen in one's blood. Although not always taught, continuing to breathe into the chest at the same time can provide an ever more "fulfilling" exercise. The goal is to have the entire torso move in and out when breathing, as if one is surrounded by an expanding and contracting inner tube.[7]
參考: Copy from Wikipedia network
2012-01-12 8:42 am
>1.縮肚? 會
>2.谷腹肌?即係按時會硬.. 不是
>但係一吸氣個胃個位會好似受壓咁.. 除非你食得好飽,否則,你未到用丹田囉


唱歌就會大聲,係。 穩定D? 唔關丹田事,係你音準的問題。

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