Should I go to the movies with this guy?

2012-01-06 11:00 pm
So basically me & him are friends but we have this flirty, playing around not serious friendship.
He asked me to go to the movies today & I didn't give him a straight up answer, so he told me to call him later.

Anyway, then I was telling my friend about it & she told me how he had asked this girl earlier, but she couldn't go.
So I guess I was his second option. Lol. I don't know how I feel about that/: He's just asking me cuz the other girl couldn't go! So should I not let that bother me & go? Or what is your opinion?

回答 (3)

2012-01-06 11:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are trying to get with him don't go! As long as the person who told you the story can be believed and has no ulterior motive! Otherwise maybe he just wants someone to go to cinema and theres no romantic intentions and he just happened to see the other doll first? In which case do go:-D
參考: Hmm,.
2012-01-06 11:06 pm
In my opinion, I think that you should go to movie with him. After movie, you can tell your story to your friends.

Forget the second option, just go to movie.

Hope you have a great time with this guy.
2012-01-06 11:05 pm
of course u shouldnt go. He basically picked u bcause the otha girl couldnt go. U dont wanna a seond choice for every guy out there. U always wanna b the first choice. If u do go. U should totally make him buy soo much food and make him waste it all, just bcause he picked u as a second option

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