2012-01-07 6:26 am
Which of the following requires a debit entry made to an expense account?
A. Return of goods previously purchased.
B. Installation charge for a machine newly bought.
C. Owner takes cash from the company.
D. Paid carriage for goods purchased.

If the value of the opening inventory is understated, the effect would be:
A. Closing inventory overstated.
B. Gross profit overstated.
C. Cost of goods sold overstated.
D. Purchases understated.

Which of the following is NOT a norminal account?
A.commission received
B. Machinery
C. Repairs to buildings
D. Discount allowed

Under what circumstance would a company issue a "credit note"?
A.Credit purchases
B. Goods returned to a supplier
C. Goods returned from a customer
D. Credit sales

What would happen if capital expenditure was mistakenly classified as revenue expenditure?
A.Net profit understated
B. Gross profit overstated
C. Non-current assets overstated
D. Current assets underated.

The total of the Purchases Journal is transferred to:
A.the debit side of the Purchases Day book
B. The credit side of the purchases Day book
C. the debit side of purchases Account
D. the credit side of purchases account

唔該幫下手~我FOR 溫書用的~

回答 (1)

2012-01-07 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The following answers print in red are my suggestion . Which of the following requires a debit entry made to an expense account?A. Return of goods previously purchased.B. Installation charge for a machine newly bought.C. Owner takes cash from the company.D. Paid carriage for goods purchased. If the value of the opening inventory is understated, the effect would be:A. Closing inventory overstated.B. Gross profit overstated.C. Cost of goods sold overstated.D. Purchases understated. Which of the following is NOT a norminal account?A.commission receivedB. MachineryC. Repairs to buildingsD. Discount allowed Under what circumstance would a company issue a "credit note"?A.Credit purchases B. Goods returned to a supplierC. Goods returned from a customer D. Credit sales What would happen if capital expenditure was mistakenly classified as revenue expenditure?A.Net profit understatedB. Gross profit overstatedC. Non-current assets overstatedD. Current assets underated. The total of the Purchases Journal is transferred to:A.the debit side of the Purchases Day bookB. The credit side of the purchases Day bookC. the debit side of purchases AccountD. the credit side of purchases account
參考: 小魚槍手

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