Am I transgendered (answers soon are much appreciated^_^)?

2012-01-05 7:01 pm
I know this question gets asked a lot, but I'm really confused.
Ever since I was young, I never wanted to dress like a girl or play with what are typical girls toys.
Now I'm a teenager, I'm still like this. I hate wearing girlish clothes, and prefer to dress in jeans, boy's tops etc. I still don't do anything that is classed as what a typical girl would do (e.g. love shopping, wear a lot of makeup etc. I don't mean to be stereotypical, but those are typically girly things). All people that I look up to, that inspire me, inspire my fashion taste/hairstyles etc are men.
Also, recently, I have been thinking a lot about how I'd be if I was a guy, and I realised that I would actually like to be one, but at the same time, I don't know if I'd ever be willing to get a sex change, so it's conflicting.
Someone help please, I'm confused :(

回答 (8)

2012-01-05 8:13 pm
it certainly seems that you are transgedner
you may wish to speak to a gedner therapist to see what is best for you
參考: ..
2012-01-05 7:15 pm
It all has to do with who you are. If you are a male, then being in a female body is a shaming experience. This is called body dismorphia. If you can close your eyes and imagine yourself doing something you love to do. Look at yourself in your mind, this image is how you see yourself. If that image is male then you are probably Trans. Either way, speaking to a transgendered hotline would probably help you. Google transgender hotline and call.
Take a look here for some help as well.
2012-01-05 7:08 pm
I understand your confusion, but if you were serious you wouldn't need to ask this question. Just because you like the thought of being a man doesn't mean you're born into the wrong body. What is your sexual preference? That could help if you knew that.

You may just be a 'tomboy' it doesn't mean you're a man in a woman's body. If you wouldn't be willing to hav a sex change I'd say you're not transgendered. For transgendered people, gender transformation isn't a question of whether they're willing to go through with the change itself, its often a matter of life or death for them and they cannot be happy in the body they're in.
2012-01-06 9:33 am
Please, please don't rush things. There are lots of girls who can't stand wearing dresses and find shopping boring. It does not mean they want to marry a girl! You do not talk about whether you have any emotional/sexual feelings for girls or for boys. In the world of work, a girl can do anything a guy can, so looking up to men may just be inspiring for you, and encourage you to achieve more than the average girly girl.
Take your time, learn to accept yourself, you'll find out in the end what is best for you. If you become physically adult at say 15, and live for a further 70 years as an adult, what percentage of your adult life have you gone through so far? 1%, 2%. Listen and learn from your own soul
參考: Life
2012-01-05 7:54 pm
well. i would like to be a female.......
a female can be looked as a male
but a male could never be looked as a female
2012-01-05 7:12 pm
homez you ain't alone... I'm the same way.... been like that since I could rememebr.... I still want the sex change, I've wanted to be a dude for the longest time and it ain't stop'n me. all i know is that you gotta start small... you gotta go through the therapy for the hormones. then once you mastered being in your own shoes with the hormones then you can move on to the surgry if you want. There are people like that. and there are many other kinds out there... there's so many names I still don't know all... I have the knowledge through friends, through internet access.and through family. hollar at me if you need mo info. I gots the hook ups for the knowledge. I ain't the one who has ALL THE knowledge but I can do my best.
2012-01-05 7:15 pm
You're the currently most common type of "transgender." Which is fine by me--so long as you stay far, far away from my cisgendered gay guy self. Personally, I think you're vain, shallow and delusional--and your "lady bits" horrify and disgust me. Thanks all the same.
2012-01-05 7:03 pm
hey im the same but the genders are swapped around, im a teenager as well.
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