
2012-01-05 8:32 am
我而家拎緊臨時綠卡, 岩岩12月過期, 已經申請左永久綠卡, 打晒手指模等緊批, 10月尾返左香港, 而家打算留係香港住幾年先返NY, 最近開始有D擔心我留左係度咁耐, 會唔會影響到永久綠卡既批准?
同埋假如我拎左永久綠卡, 我係咪返香港最多只可以留半年? 如是者, 我每半年先返一次NY留兩個WEEKS左右又會唔會影響到我日後既公民申請, 會唔會有大問題??? 假如我俾人取消左臨時綠卡, 再申請會唔會好麻煩??
另外我聽講有人俾海關當場剪左張綠卡, 如果萬一大吉利是我真係咁唔好彩俾人剪卡, 我可以點做? 以後申請會唔會麻煩好多?? 如果我唔用GREENCARD入境, 申請VISA入境既話會唔會俾人查到反而仲衰??
有無兩全其美既方法, 我又可以保留GREENCARD又可以係呢幾年留係香港??? 雖然我而家打算留係香港, 但我知道自己幾年後一定會返美國!!!


其實我都有問佢(講剪卡件事俾我知果個人)"海關係咪真係有權咁做?"佢話"海關當然有權甘做,佢地係美國把關既第一防線,所以權力非常大". 而俾人剪左卡果個人就俾人安排左下一班機返香港. 咁我又想問下, 如果我手持有效既GREENCARD, 海關可唔可以拒絕我入境??? 同埋係係咩情況下可以拒絕我入境? 如果海關真係剪左我張卡OR沒收左我張卡, 我可以同咩人求救?? 而避免要即刻坐機走?

回答 (4)

2012-01-05 9:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
I can't still believe all the myths about Permanent Residence.

1. CBP does not have the right to revoke residency but EOIR has.

A lot of people in fact surrender their residency to CBP (instead of revocation).

2. Conditional Residence is based on how you get your residence, not how long you have stayed.

So in theory, a CR-1 or CR-6 immigrant can in fact live outside the U.S. with his or her citizen spouse and can still get the condition removed.

3. I-751 usually takes 6 months. It may take longer if your case is complex.

4. You are about 6 months-1 year away from getting the citizenship. I don't think staying in Hong Kong will be the right choice for you now (as you will have to start everything over).

2012-01-06 01:56:10 補充:
Trust me - his story must have something more with it.

In theory, CBP has no authority to deny your entry. If in any cases, CBP determines that you are unfit as a Permanent Resident, CBP will withhold your card, pending hearing at EOIR.

In that case, people can fight for their rights.
2012-01-16 12:25 am


永久居民離開美國及在海外逗留連續超過三百六十五天會有喪失身份的風險。如果他們想再成為美國永久居民,可能需要經歷整個申請和移民簽證程序。永久居民在離開美國前向美國公民及移民服務局 (USCIS) 取得回美證,可以在海外逗留不超過兩年。永久居民在美國境外居住時沒有申報所得稅,或在報稅單上宣稱 ‘非移民’ 者,可能會喪失身份。


如果你打算離開美國超過一年但少於兩年期間,就需要有回美證才可以入境。當遞交申請書 (I-131表格) 時,你一定要身處美國。USCIS會根據表格上的地址寄出回美證。你可以選擇要求將回美證寄到領事館。當收到回美證時,我們便會通知你,而你要親身在星期一和星期三(美國及本地假期休息),下午二時至四時,到領事館領取(不需預約)。在申請回美證未有定案前離開美國是不會影響申請。詳情請看USCIS網頁。查看在USCIS的回美證申請書狀況,請看USCIS - My Case Status 網頁.
2012-01-09 8:51 pm
第一, 美國海關無權甘做, 果個人只係講3講4既.


留係香港住,美國一定會取消您既臨時綠卡, 再申請時會好麻煩.
2012-01-09 8:06 am
hi, are u still waiting for ur pernement greencard now? during this time, you are better to stay in USA. do you have any special document that u can use to enter USA now? as u said ur temp. greencard was expired in Dec. the function of greencard = US VISA. need to use it to enter USA.

however, you can ask ur US family to send ur pernement greencard (BY SPEEDPOST/REGISTERED) to u before u enter USA again.

actually the function of pernament greencard is the same as ur temp. greencard, the difference is pernament greencard is up to 10 yrs long, that means u have to renew it every 10 yrs.

ALL greencard holders, can leave USA up to 1 yr (without any permiss); if u want to leave over 1 yr (up to 2 yrs), you need to apply the "return permiss 回美証" before u leave USA.

of cos'.... if u always leave USA, USCIS must think u don't want to stay/live in USA, they have the right to cancel/take back ur greencard. then u are hard to re-apply it again, even the tourist visa.

if u have any more queries, u can email me. have a good weekend.

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