IPhone screen cracked, can't call or text ?

2012-01-03 4:56 am
So i dropped my iPhone 4 from the table(it wasn't very high) the screen is cracked. But it was working just fine for like a week. Then, it suddenly stopped working, I can't call or text, and the alarm function doesn't work too. I bought it from apple's website with warranty, can I replace it for free?

And how can i convince the people at apple store??
Thanks for help

回答 (3)

2012-01-03 5:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
nope, if the screen is cracked, you can't replace it unless you have insurance.
2016-11-16 6:17 pm
The iPhone 5 Glass/liquid crystal show are glued jointly. do not purchase those low-value assemblies from China, those are a rip-off. you won't be able to replace one or the different. no person has monitors reachable for the iPhone 5. in case you detect it for decrease than $250.00 is fake or a rip-off. In some months as furnish builds you would be waiting to purchase one, yet they nonetheless would be $a hundred-$2 hundred. It tooks 2 years for the iPhone 4/4s monitors to drop from $185 right down to $30
2012-01-03 5:03 am
if you tell them it's accidental! (if you got the extended Apple Care warranty) they changed their policies with this new warranty. But if you don't have that warranty, you can try.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 18:26:49
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