How to change the default shutdown button in the *WINDOWS LOGON SCREEN* into sleep button?

2012-01-02 3:02 pm
The default button is shutdown button, but I want to change it into sleep button. How?
I use Windows 7.


回答 (2)

2012-01-02 3:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think your computer will give you the option to shut down (turn off) or hibernate. I wouldn't do that because it caused our HP laptop to wipe everything out including windows, the operating system.
Had to send it back to the company to repair..but good luck with your choice.
參考: Been there, done that.
2016-11-13 1:33 pm
click your start up menu button excellent click contained in the little bit of the starting up menu on the right and click homes click the starting up menu tab if its no longer already on it then substitute the capacity button action, click be conscious and ok, you're finished

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