我的朋友想回香港替 BB 領取香港出世紙

2012-01-03 12:19 am
我有個朋友夫婦是香港居民, 在英國已生了 BB差不多1個月, 她的BB在英國有沒有居英權呢? 如在英國需領什麼証件, 回香港可不可再領取香港出世紙呢?

回答 (2)

2012-01-03 7:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
2012-01-03 6:20 am

British citizenship by birth in the United KingdomUnder the law in effect from 1 January 1983, a child born in the UK to a parent who is a British citizen or 'settled' in the UK is automatically a British citizen by birth.Only one parent needs to meet this requirement, either the father or the mother."Settled" status in this context usually means the parent is resident in the United Kingdom and has the right of abode, holds Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), or is the citizen of an EU/EEA country and has permanent residence. Irish citizens in the UK are also deemed settled for this purpose.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 17:31:17
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