去Heep Yunn second-in 問題+答案 快!!

2012-01-02 7:10 pm
我想要去Heep Yunn SECOND INTERVIEW 的問題+答案, 請快!!!!!!! Thanks!!!

我考19/39(P.6)+13/39(P.5), 其實有沒有chance 入heep yunn?


no special talent


anymore answers???

回答 (2)

2012-01-03 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
我同意樓上所言, 坦白講,你成績真係5係超班嗰D, 你又話你冇special talent...
報HYS D人5係成績超好就係有特異功能, Piano Grade8 都已經話係廢咖啦!

HYS來年會轉直資. 佢哋有俾你interview???

你話要嗰D interview Question & Answer, 俾5到你. 名校問嘅問題年年5同, 你背答案會有反效果. 所以還是suggest 你不好要了. 到時如果佢哋俾 interview 你, 你就俾最好嗰一面佢睇, 5洗prepare, 做返你自己.
如果你咁lucky, 有interview, 你就好好珍惜啦!
參考: me
2012-01-02 7:37 pm
actually your result is not the top but if you have some special talence such as sports or music, you may enter HYS~
no one knows the questions because it is the first time being DSS. the questions are not the same as before I think!
add oil ah!!!:)))

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