
2012-01-02 3:01 am

17. Using the method of substitution, find the value of the remaining unknown in each of the following formulas.
(a) p = 4v if v = 5 (b) y = 12x if x = -5

22. 15 759 tourists visited a theme park in the first quarter in 2009. Express the number of tourists following units:
(a) tourists/month (b) tourists/tear

23. Peter and David work at the same company. Peter finished 48 projects in 4 months while David finished 81 projects in 6 months. Assume that there are 30 days in each month.
(a) Find their rates of doing projects in projects/month.
(b) Find their rates of doing projects in days/project.
(c) Who spent less tome to finish a project?

回答 (2)

2012-01-02 8:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
17a: P = 4(5) P = 20
17b: Y = 12(-5) Y = -60

22a: 15759 / 3 = 5253 tourists / month
22b: 5253 * (3*4) = 63036 tourists / year

23a: Rate of Peter:48 / 4 = 12 projects / month
Rate of David: 84 / 6 = 13.5 projects / month
23b: Rate of Peter: (4*30) / 48 = 2.5 days / project
Rate of David: (6*30) / 81 = (20/9) days / project
23c: David
2012-01-02 3:24 am
17a. p = 20 (becuz 4x5 = 20)

p = 4v (v=5)

17b. y = -60 (becuz 12x(-5) = 60)

y =12x (x=-5)

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