
2012-01-02 1:42 am
我依加係美國...我用T-MOBILE卡既..但我SET左D野係可以唔洗$都可以上網的,,真係咁神奇??因為我卡個$$無扣到錢..係咪遲D先扣??定係真係FREE:(我想知; 如果要錢既我就死得..:(幫幫我搵出原來..THX!

回答 (4)

2012-01-02 11:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
There is no way you don't have to pay.

1. Either your plan has included (but not yet charged), or

2. Your plan has not included (and still not yet charged).
2012-01-06 12:47 am

無論手機語音通話同埋上網,Smartone都有極優良覆蓋,無限上網計劃更免費附送xpower增值服務,令你睇flash, 睇短片,甚至電影更流暢,同埋幫助手機節省電源 :)


wtsapp, Arthur Li, 51133693
fb: romeoli318@live.hk
2012-01-04 9:30 am
Not sure what you have SET... If your phone is set to use WIFI, it's free to go online using WIFI, and WIFI has nothing to do with T-Mobile.

- You can go to T-mobile online, and log-on to view your usage.

- If it is a prepaid phone, your current balance is what $ left. I don't think anything could be charge later.

- If it is a monthly plan, the statement has DATE. Usually all usage charges for the period are included.
2012-01-02 3:43 am
要詳細一點, 才可以回答你.

可以 PM ...

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