Does Your Cat Fit These Personality Descriptions?

2011-12-31 9:29 pm
I was browsing the internet and happened upon this. I found it amusing because it does fit my cat's personality. She is a tortoiseshell and displays all the typical temperament of one.

I found these interestingly near accurate as well. Though I have to say my tabbies I had a while back were severely mischievous and not very laid back.

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2011-12-31 9:45 pm
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A lot of that article doesn't really apply to my boyfriend's tortoiseshell cat, especially the temper part she's soooo laid back. She's like the article in that she's really attached to him and always makes trilling, meowing and purring noises.

His orange tabby cat fits the second article perfectly.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:50:54
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