I wanna be happy but I don't know how to.?

2011-12-31 7:43 pm
I've been feeling down for the past years and I wanna be happy I just don't know how to. My family makes me so stressed and pissed off. My mom and I don't get along and she says the most insulting things and it just pisses me off. Its sort of a routine my mom and her mom didn't get along and my grandmother and her mom didn't get along. Now my mom and I don't get along. Another thing I love to cook but every time i make something there's a nasty comment. Why is it like this? Is it supposed to be like this? It need more sugar or some times salt? Like what the hell? Now don't get me wrong i am sensitive but im not exaggerating. When i want to buy things so i can make something its always like your raising the grocery bill. Ok so here;s the deal everybody gets there own snacks from the grocery store my older sister gets her things my other siblings get there things. So i decided instead of getting my own snacks i would get baking things like flour, sugar etc. And let me tell you something it is the same amount of money as the snacks i would get. Now i feel bad that she always says you raise the grocery bill. You don't need to bake we do need to eat. usually i would quit and say you know what fine then no more desserts. But it something i love something i want to do i love to do. I don't want to stop so i pay for my own ingredients and sometimes i don't have the money. I don't have friends or you can call them friends but they live out of state and not where I am. I cant express my feelings to them they just shut me out. I don't drive, I barely leave the house.Its so hard to try and be happy when everyone around you is so negative and loves to put you down and make you feel bad. I'm only 16 for gods sake i don't know what to do with myself. like i'm just miserable. I try to forget the negative things such as things that were said and done but i cant they always seem to comeback. I feel like i wanna go away and crumble be by myself. Any Advice.

回答 (4)

2011-12-31 7:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Try breathing techniques, and invest in a stress ball if you have money, you can get one at a dollar store probably, just little things to help you keep your stress/anger down. Write in a journal, if you can't talk to people you can always write how you feel to "someone" it helps a lot. and hey, you're sixteen, just a few more years and you can be on your own! They are probably just letting things out on you because you're the oldest? Or they are unhappy with THEIR lives, it's nothing you can fix. Just avoid getting in fights, if she's in a bad mood just walk away and be the adult in the picture. Don't be her. And I know this is everyones excuse but the economy sucks. Maybe their jobs are stressful? Best of luck<3
2012-01-01 3:48 am
I know how hurt you feel. I've had a miserable year as well. My best friend manipulated me, used me and hurt me. My grandpa almost died. My mom annoys me constantly. I don't have any true friends. I've decided just try to do things my way. I'm going to start volunteering maybe it will help. I've always loved animals and want to join the wild life federations to help wild animals. I am hoping to meet people who have the same interests as me. Maybe if you join a club or something that you really like to do you will find someone who has similar interests and you will make a new friend and you'll enjoy life more.
參考: If you need someone to talk to email me.
2012-01-01 3:47 am
Maybe you cant now
But when you are bigger and you can move out you will be
try to make friends, maybe find a boyfriend so that you can express your feeling?
Dont hold your emotions its unhealthy... Let it out in a way
2012-01-01 3:46 am
a very good way for me is to watch some funny nonsense
watching people being pranked will only make you feel better until the program or clip ends. 2 times are not funny

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