Healthy Questions Please!!

2012-01-01 7:23 am
1.Who can do the most to reduce obesity – the government, schools or parents?
What can schools do to help overweight students to lose weight?

2.Do you think that students care about whether food is healthy or not?
What advice would you give to a friend with a weight problem?

3.Does business like food production companies or fast food chain shops have any responsibility for the growing obesity problem?

4.What kinds of lunchboxes and snack would you suggest the tuck shop provide?
If you school eliminated all junk food and sugary drinks from the tuck shop, do you think the food and drink sales would drop a lot?

5.Which is more important for good health – a healthy diet or regular exercise ?
Do you have a healthy diet?

6.Should students have the freedom to choose what food they eat?
If your school banned all unhealthy food and drinks, would you still eat at school?

回答 (2)

2012-01-08 12:54 am
以下是雅虎搜查結果: ... tab-web-t&rd=r1

2012-01-03 8:30 pm
我用健康既方法,已經減左25磅啦~^_^ 我都有個blog,係講自己d減肥既野架~你都黎參觀下我個blog,睇下有冇野幫到你吖!^^ (有我減肥前後相!)

MSN:[email protected] FB:[email protected](我個BLOG一UPDATE就會顯示架啦~^_^)

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