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對比/contrast--書包vs櫃台:Some students put everything in the drawer, some students put everything into their own school bags
比喻--simile明喻+mataphor暗/隱喻:The school bag is like a heavy rock to the students.
擬人/personification--書包攰:The school bags feel tired, and burst out a cry,"give me a break!"
排比/parallelism --學生交功課,老師派工作紙,補習派notes:The students carry homework to school, the teacher prepare worksheets, the tutor print out notes, students hand out somthing, but take even more!
反問/rhetorical question--書包傷脊骨點算:Whar if the heavy school bag hurt the backbones of students in adolescence?
借代/metonymy--書包→石:Students carry a heavy rock to school
誇張/exaggeraration--書包壓死人:The school bags press the students to death.