Interesting Maths Q14 (Normal)

2012-01-01 12:55 am
1. If x-x⁻¹=1, find x¹º-x⁻¹º.
2. If a+b+c=x, ab+ac+bc=y, abc=z, find a³+b³+c³.

回答 (4)

2012-01-02 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1 is more difficult than 2

2 is just simply cubic equation

( a cubic equation m^3-xm^2+ym-z=0 with roots a,b and c )


(a+b+c)^3 << in order to get the terms a^3, b^3 and c^3
=a^3+b^3+c^3+ 3(ab+ac+bc)(x)-3bcx +3bc(b+c)

therefore, a^3+b^3+c^3=x^3-3xy+3z



Sorry, i have no idea to calculate it faster

2012-01-01 19:25:16 補充:
full size:
2012-01-03 12:51 am
This is the answer for question 1.

參考: mainly self
2012-01-02 6:22 am
But if you have this Q in exam,

you have to prove it is Fibonacci Sequence...


***Great discovery!

2012-01-01 22:55:22 補充:
Um.. gd...

2012-01-01 23:03:25 補充:
To CRebecca:

Do you interested in my other "Interesting Maths Qs" ??

Many of them are still empty! XD
2012-01-02 6:17 am
Q1: Fibonacci Sequence
Q2: a,b,c are roots of t³-xt²+yt-z=0

2012-01-01 22:29:36 補充:
let x^n= a(n)+b(n)x, then
x^(n+1)=a(n+1)+b(n+1)x=a(n)x+b(n) (x+1)=b(n)+[a(n)+b(n)]x
so, x^n= a(n)+a(n+1)x and {a(n)} is the Fibonacci Sequence

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