What should I get my husband for 3 years anniversary?

2011-12-29 9:18 pm
Coming up is our 3 years wedding anniversary. I really want to get something very special for my husband as we have been through a lot these three years. Any suggestions? Thank you much!!

回答 (12)

2011-12-29 9:27 pm
The best thing my wife ever gave me on my anniversary was. A HUG A BIG KISS AND HER TELLING ME THAT SHE LOVES ME. But if your any thing like my wife he all ready know s he has thee best gift of all and that would be you .
2011-12-29 9:27 pm
The third anniversary's traditional gift is leather. I would do a great leather jacket. If you're working on a tight budget (I don't know if finances are part of the issues you've had), try a leather bound picture frame with your favorite picture of you two together. It really depends on him, though, his tastes, interests, etc. You know him best, so try thinking of his favorite things, and work from there. Good luck, and happy anniversary!
2011-12-29 9:34 pm
Here's an idea, what about a romantic evening together and you can be the present.

Book a nice romantic restaurant, or prepare a home meal, candles, dimmed lights, some background music, nice wine etc. Prepare a large cardboard box, (big enough to fit over you sitting on the floor - cut out the bottom so you can lift it over you head and down around you.) wrap it in gift paper with a big ribbon and put it in the bedroom before your dinner. Buy a real sexy night dress and tell him you are going upstairs, (or to the bedroom to slip into something more comfortable and get his present). Once you are in the naughty nightie and under the box, call for him. When he enters, toss the box into the air and wish him a sexy anniversary. The rest is up to you two. Happy anniversary. doc
參考: 48 years married
2011-12-29 9:29 pm
i would get a nice necklace...like chain of good quality...

golf passes

movie pass


a beautful dinner

a basket of his favorites...bath soap shampoo deo...all personal items

clean his car...give him a coupon book

a backrub

his favorite dessert

a hug and a kiss and a few heart felt words

relax he will like what ever you give...
2011-12-29 9:28 pm
Power tools or a big tool box. Cant go wrong with tools ever!!! Good Luck
參考: Wife
2011-12-29 9:25 pm
boob job. (for you, that is.)
2016-04-22 9:03 am
here are numerous reasons why a once committed relationship would degenerate to one partner asking for a divorce. how to save your marriage https://tr.im/tgGbg

It could have been:

- an affair
- having been separated by a long distance for lengths of time
- conflict
- behavioral issues or psychological problems of one spouse
- even unmanaged addictions.

Whatever of these problems may be what is seen on the surface, the bottom line is that usually, barring any abuse or psychological problems that are best handled by a professional, a couple find themselves in danger of divorce when there is a loss of:

- communication,
- love
- and intimacy

in the marital relationship.
2016-03-15 5:04 pm
Attache case organizer leather cover for PDA or IPod Leather digital picture frame for a desk Leather key chain
2015-08-19 6:50 pm
This Site Might Help You.

What should I get my husband for 3 years anniversary?
Coming up is our 3 years wedding anniversary. I really want to get something very special for my husband as we have been through a lot these three years. Any suggestions? Thank you much!!
參考: husband 3 years anniversary: https://shortly.im/fTFIu
2011-12-29 10:01 pm
agree totally with lotty and doc, mine and my partners 5th year anniversary is coming up and i have bought a nice naughty nightie lol, a good meal, not too filling though!! A hot bath and sexy massage followed by whatever you feel like lol you will not go wrong hun trust me, give him the night of his life, he will love you for it!!
2011-12-29 9:40 pm
Any husband would love a nice meal ,bottle of wine
At home or a nice romantic setting and you
If you have been through a lot you just need time together
3 years is leather so what about a nice wallet ?
2011-12-29 9:26 pm
Ask him what he would enjoy.
2011-12-29 9:25 pm
It's so hard to say when I know nothing about our husband. Is he a gadgety guy? Guys seem to like neat little gizmos... well, my husband does anyway. The Sharper Image always has neat things to peruse (www.sharperimage.com).
2011-12-29 9:22 pm
I nice watch would be nice. Maybe tickets to watch his favorite team play.

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