eng poem(penguin)

2011-12-30 7:36 am
我要寫一篇poem aboutpenguin

我打算寫Emperor Penguin

但我唔知可以點用simile ,metaphor and personification去形容佢地


Its every move like a tumbler.

我希望大家可以作3句(use比喻,擬人)比我睇下 thanks

回答 (3)

2011-12-31 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The emperor penguin cannot fly Up and up to the skyIt can only walk on the iceland like a sumo westlerIt is a happy traveller

like a sumo westler(simile)
a happy traveller (擬人)

2011-12-31 2:57 am
Index of Title and First Lines on poem about Penguin by Wendy
Flightless seabird of southern heaven(simile)
With Black upperparts and White under heart(simile)
Walk clumsily with upright given (personification metaphor)
Emperor and Penguin shall not depart (personification)
Follow the beat,zone to zone(Personicfication)
Flipper wings for a swim flight (Simile)
In the Antarctic they seabird alone (Metaphor)
Every move a tumbler alright (Simile)
2011-12-30 9:45 am
~follow the beats to walk
~they are performing a rap music while they are walking
~their world only have 2 colour, black and white
~body like a moai ( a stone statue in Chile)

~every day do dull job, eating,sleeping,playing
~crying when their children are kippnaped by eagle!

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