English Words~Need Help!!!!

2011-12-30 3:53 am
1.) Dramatic downfall
2.) Prevalence
3.) Campaign
4.) Delicate
5.) Get a glimpse into
6.) First of its kind
7.) At one's leisure
8.) Meander along
9.) Sublime
10.) Take for granted

*****PS Please give examples, the better ! THX !***

回答 (3)

2011-12-30 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. dramatic downfall = 戲劇性的垮台,衰敗
~ great and sudden loss of your money, moral standards, social position etc, or the sudden failure of an organization
A small scandal led to the president’s dramatic downfall.

2. Prevalence = 普遍, 盛行, 傳播,流行
~ the fact that something is very common in a particular place or among a particular group
Smoking has contributed to a marked increase in the prevalence of lung cancer among the male population.

3. Campaign = 運動,活動, 戰役
~ a series of actions intended to achieve a particular result relating to politics or business, or a social improvement.
Police have launched a campaign to crack down on drug dealers.

4. Delicate = 嬌嫩, 精巧的, 微妙的
~ easily damaged; weak and often ill; attractive and small/thin;with attractive details; needing careful treatment; needing skill
The surgeon is performing a delicate operation.
The international situation is very delicate at present.

5. Get a glimpse into = 瞥見, 一見
~ have an experience that gives you an idea of what something is like
In the villages you’ll get glimpse into Turkish country life.

6. First of its kind = 先河; 最先
~ something that has never happened or been done before
This new surgical technique is a first of its kind in the medical field.

7. At one’s leisure = 當其空閑的時候; 方便時
~ when one has free time and it is convenient for you
Take the leaflets home and read them at your leisure.

8. Meander along = 緩慢而彎曲地流動
~ 1 if a river, stream, road etc meanders, it has a lot of bends rather than going in a straight line
The river meandered gently along the valley floor.

9. Sublime = 崇高, 壯觀的,卓越的
~ extremely good or beautiful that it affects you .
Her songs are a sublime fusion of pop and Brazilian music.

10. take somebody/something for granted = 認為理所當然
~ to expect that someone or something will always be there when you need them and never think how important or useful they are.
I take it for granted you have read this book.
I shouted at my boss because I’m sick of being taken for granted.

參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-12-30 6:55 am
1.) 戲劇性垮臺2.) 流行3.) 活動4.) 精緻5.) 得到一瞥6.) 首次7.),一個是休閒 8.) 曲9.) 的崇高 10.) 以授予
2011-12-30 6:51 am
1.Dramatic downfall=戲劇性的垮台
5.Get a glimpse into=窺見一斑成
6.First of its kind=...的先河
7.At one's leisure=在一個人的休閒
10.Take for granted=...想當然
第8題我幫唔到你。希望D資料幫到你。Bless you!

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