
2011-12-29 8:14 pm
Do you agree that little appears to have been done to address it?


回答 (6)

2011-12-30 3:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you address a problem or task or an issue or if you address yourself to it,you try to understand it or deal with it,or handle it,
eg;-The manager sought to address those Money fears when he spoke at the meeting.
Throughout the year we have addressed ourselves to the problem of money-making!

2011-12-29 19:11:02 補充:
As I mentioned,
to deal with it=to solve a problem=to address a problem.
2011-12-30 1:35 am
little 在這句 = nothing = 沒任何東西
to address it = 在這句 = to deal with it = 解決困難/ 問題


你是否同意似乎並沒有任何可解決這問題的事情做過出來呢 ?
2011-12-30 12:46 am
Do you agree that little appears to have been done to address it?

答: 是解作「你是否同意這一點似乎已經解決問題?」
參考: 我.. 希望幫到你=]
2011-12-29 10:11 pm
Let me try

Do you agree that little appears to have been done to address it?

What it says is :

There is possibly an issue but it look like that only a little part of it have been handled. Do you agree on that ?

2011-12-29 9:10 pm
你是否同意這件小事物好像已經做到去處理它? (我不肯定這是否它原本的意思……)
2011-12-29 8:24 pm
參考: yahoo聰明筆

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