Iphone app:zenonia 4 file damaged file?

2011-12-29 1:48 am
I recently update my iphone to ios 5 since there is now a untethered jailbreak,and i went to winSCP and took my saved file from zenonia 4 so i can have it on my new restored phone but when i put in the file and went my the game in my file i picked my blader but it gave me the error:damaged file,you have to start a new game.is there any way to fix this?

回答 (2)

2011-12-31 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
you may notice that the document size remain the same through out the whole game, it seems that the save file is not readable only but also connected to other files to work the result data out. For example, The "option.sav" changes when you save.

Even if you are able to read the data out from a old save, the save is no longer workable, which means that your game will crash if you try to save on that old save file. But situation will return to normal if you overwrite that save slot with a new save.

It is notable that you should not extract only the save0.dat file or whatever number corresponding to the save slot. Instead you should copy the whole "Document" file located in the Zenonia4 app directory. so I'm sorry for your situation that not able to recover the original file.

Confirmed transfer tool: winSCP, iFunBox, iExplorer
Confirmed iOS: 5.0, 5.0.1
Confirmed Jailbroken iOS: 5.0.1
iDevice: iPhone4
2017-03-03 10:44 pm
Merry christmas dude! i exploit Videora ipod converter which keeps the universal of the action picture report and you will be able to tell it what to alter and what to no longer do and so forth. I advise you attempt it. merely variety it in into google im particular youll locate it. Goodluck mate

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 23:16:59
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