英譯中 – 心理學

2011-12-29 12:54 am
英譯中 – 心理學 I want to know the meaning of the words underlined with red colour below: 1. The animation and richness of adults’ responsiveness, tuned finely to ongoing changes in infant behaviour, can provide a sense of being closely engaged with something very responsive and attuned.2. Turn-taking in feeding3. Transaction is a process that extends beyond simple, one-way effects on the baby and beyond the interaction of the baby’s and mother’s propensities and behaviours.4. In a very real sense, a baby is active agents in constructing their own social environment: However, it is not something ‘out there’, unaffected by the baby, but effectively something that is built by mother and baby together. Thank you very much!

回答 (1)

2011-12-30 11:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. The animation and richness of adults’ responsiveness, tuned finely to ongoing changes in infant behaviour, can provide a sense of being closely engaged with something very responsive and attuned.



2. Turn-taking in feeding輪流餵食

3. Transaction is a process that extends beyond simple, one-way effects on the baby and beyond the interaction of the baby’s and mother’s propensities and behaviours.

4. In a very real sense, a baby is active agents in constructing their own social environment: However, it is not something ‘out there’, unaffected by the baby, but effectively something that is built by mother and baby together.

out there的意思可看以下文章:

問:讀書讀到以下一句:It's like a jungle in here(這裏面像個叢林)。句中的in可不可以略去?Here什麼時候要和介系詞(preposition)連用?
答:刪去in字,文法沒有錯,但句子會失去「裏面」的意思,只是說「這裏像個叢林」。在寒冷的曠野上,你可以說It is cold here(這裏很冷);在寒冷的房間裏,則可以說It is cold in here(這房間裏冷得很)。這就是here和in here的分別。
Here(這裏)、there(那裏)二字之前,都可以用out、in、up、down等等介系詞,表示「這裏」或「那裏」是在外面、裏面、上面、下面等,例如:There is a funny-looking man out there(外邊有個樣子很古怪的人)。


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