英文高手請入!! unreal conditional

2011-12-28 11:46 pm
1. If you was / were me, what would you do?
2. If you was were them, what would you do?
3. If I was / were you, what could I do?
4. 想問係2nd conditional個if clause個was / were, 係睇前面定係後個personal pronoun?

回答 (4)

2011-12-29 1:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
無論是否if clause,verb都是跟subject(前面名詞)的,不會跟從後面的object的。


1. If you were me, what would you do?
2. If you were them, what would you do?
3. If I was you, what could I do?
3. 以上的答案是邏輯性的conditional以past tense寫出記錄一段問題;但是如果這句是如你所說的這問題是問unreal的假設可能問題,這句便應該是
If I were you, what could I do?
2012-01-02 12:55 am
2011-12-29 6:11 pm
To 回答者:Jenkin:
I agree with 回答者:aShlEy. With “be” in the “if” clause, we normally use the subjunctive “were” for all persons. We may hear English speakers using was. It is becoming accepted today, especially in conversation, but we should not use it in formal situations.

2011-12-29 10:14:16 補充:
When we use second conditional, we are talking something unreal, unlikely or untrue. We are talking about the situation now or in the future, and not in the PAST. For the past, third conditional is used.
2011-12-29 1:06 am
唔係,其實呢個subjunctive mood,無論I /we/ you/ they /he/ she/ it,都係用were最正式,用was冇咁正式,但都叫啱

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