
2011-12-27 11:13 pm
有 n 個正數, (不一定是整數, 也不一定全部一樣), 它們的和是 30.

myisland8132, 咁n即係幾多? 最大的積係幾多? 你同candy一樣, 都冇答到.


LII, 你的意思是說 n 越大時積越大?, 那麼, 當 n 是30時, 為什麼它的積只是 1 ? 問題正是問最大的積. 所以 1000 不是最大. 3104.65 也不是最大, 有幾多 n , 最大積就係 (30/n)^n, 這個我也同意. 不過那是幾大? 還沒有人問.

回答 (4)

2011-12-27 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
利用 A.M. >= G.M.

[a(1) + a(2) + ... + a(n)]/n >= [a(1)a(2)...a(n)]^(1/n)

現在 a(1) + a(2) + ... + a(n) = 30

30/n >= [a(1)a(2)...a(n)]^(1/n)

a(1)a(2)...a(n) <= (30/n)^n

容易發現達最大值時a(1) = a(2) = ... = a(n)。例如:

n = 1,最大值 = 30

n = 2,最大值 = 225

n = 3,最大值 = 1000

2011-12-30 8:06 pm
2011-12-29 8:34 pm
Anyway, what is the greatest product.
The question like : Find the greatest area of a polygon if the area is equal to
3*x^2 - 4x -5.
You cannot tell me that it depends on x, when x is smaller, the area becomes smaller. And said that the question does not specify the range of area.

2011-12-29 14:37:30 補充:
Bingo, your answer is correct. But why don't you post it as myisland8132 not give me the answer.
Due to typo error, you are right, the question of the example is to find the min area.

2011-12-30 10:14:11 補充:
According to myisland8132, you should using differentiation to find maximum n.
As the result is 11.036, so n is 11.
Anyway, you said you haven't learnt AM>=GM, then what is your level now?
2011-12-28 9:12 pm
myisland8132 ( 知識長 )已經計了,
最大的積depends on n

2011-12-29 12:25:17 補充:
我並沒有說n 越大時積越大,我只是說最大的積depends on n

2011-12-29 12:41:38 補充:
我唔知你條題目係唔係有問題,不過3x^2 - 4x -5只能計出 the min. area
而(30/n)^n when n係正整數,最大既積係n=11, 62088.94

2011-12-29 21:39:04 補充:
說真的,我並未學到用A.M. >= G.M. 所以就不回答了

這條數 myisland8132 ( 知識長 ) 都算是最佳回答了

P.S. 11呢個答案我是用pascal計的,不太算數學 @@

2011-12-30 12:09:32 補充:
F.4 = ="

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