Have you noticed that people are arguing more since Transiting Mars entered Virgo?

2011-12-26 9:21 pm
I have heard several loud arguments from the neighbors and the police were even called. I think Virgos in particular are having issues with this, but it also squares and opposes natal planets like Sag, Pisces, and Gemini too. I have much Virgo in my family and they all seem rather crabby and critical. Have you noticed this too?

回答 (18)

2011-12-26 9:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Why are you always beating up on us saggy/virgo people?? Argh!! LOL :)))) Im going to go sit in my corner and pout now!!!!
Saggy sun
Virgo moon
and a broken heart! :'(
LOVE YOU AMETHYST<3<3!!!!!!! :}
Your favorite people are saggy and virgo, i know!!!

LOL! OH PLZ...TD? Who doesnt know im playing?
I think we are all proving your point....

Edit-well i would think id be forgiven, its probably my virgo moon, saggy sun/merc.nep and gemini mars being negatively affected by mars?

Edit-Im sorry, i just loved Freddy so much i had to kiss him? Its probably that pluto conjunct venus, i fall in love with the strangest guys? Actually its my daughter and i goofing off in Walgreen's around Halloween!!!
Ok, i might change my avatar....just for you!
Edit--Awe, thank you, just didnt want to scare you anymore...i put freddy away! LOL
2011-12-26 9:41 pm
Well no,but you may be right... Those oppositions and squares may be a reason too...
I have Mars in Virgo in the natal chart and I am not overly critical,just a little.
Maybe cause my Mars has good aspects,I don't know lol

Mars trine Saturn
Mars trine Moon


thank u :)))
Well according to this,transit Mars will be in conjunct with my natal Mars from 30th december...
My Mars is at 23 degree. xo

參考: Mars in Virgo (soon will be in conjunct with transiting Mars)
2011-12-27 12:10 am
Amethyst, I havn't. But a lot of people who i trusted/got along with have been unusually abrupt to me. I have sun in 6th house. What does that mean?

I have been really under the weather lately, and people i might usually be able to rely on have let me down. I guess i must fend for myself anyways.
2011-12-27 12:26 am
Hmmm. My Saturn is at 22 deg Virgo so I can expect Mars transiting it in at the beginning of the year. right now, it gives me a boost but Saturn is keeping it in check and I find my personal drive and personal ambition is bumped up a notch. I know that when it conjuncts my Saturn, it will be like driving my car with the brakes on sort of. Lol. It won't be easy to handle but I can take care of that. One thing I do notice is that it is affecting my dad more and he has trouble with the stomach which started recently. Nothing dangerous but he has to be careful. As for arguing more, not really. My Saturn helps me balance and hold back my impulse.
參考: The Undertaker
2011-12-26 10:46 pm
Ha~ this is interesting lol. I've been an argument with my friend recently and she mentioned that I was being overcritical and direct to her. This is uncommon from me. I guess this has something to do with Virgo Mars conjucting my Ascendant now... >_<

Thanks for the info, Amethyst. I'll have to be careful by my words. :S

Edit - It's okay. :p And I hope not lol.

So far, December has been a tough month for me. Saturn is squaring my Mars and I had trouble at my school (nothing personal) which I'm overwhelmed now. =/ Everything seems to go down the drain and hopefully things gets better if I'm to overcome on what's blocking me to keep me moving with my life, Amethyst. Grrrr Saturn.
2011-12-27 4:46 am
Whaa this is wierd the other day I went shopin with my friend and I snapped at her! Omg my poor sagg friend she was sad after that I never snapped at her yesterday I went to eat with my friends and I snapped at the waitress lol im.usually a chill person but lately I been not giving a ***** wierd
參考: Leo-virgo cusp Gemini moon!
2011-12-27 8:41 pm
OMG no offense to any virgos but from my experience they try to be sneaky and theyre sh*t talkers too and they think you wont find out either. i dont get along with them i think theyre the most annoying sign from the zodiac im an aries and i am patient too (which is weird) but it takes alot for me to not like someone nd most of the virgos im around i cannot stand WORDS CANNOT DESCRIBE ... bottom line virgos get themselves into problems and act like they never did anything so stay away god let me see the day where i come across a sincere and real and noncllingy virgo lol ..i like aquarius and gemini sagg and pisces and libra i get along with them alot
參考: personal experience
2011-12-27 2:55 pm
Thought it was me omfg. Ive been arguing and fighting like s**t with my S/O. Weve been at it some kinda horrible. I need to get away before i catch a case!! Libra/ Scorpio Venus/ Scorpio Mars/ Gemini Moon.
2011-12-27 1:44 am
My daughter-in-law, (Virgo Sun 14d and Venus 00d) has been really sick for the past 4 days, stomach flu type symptoms, but no one else was ill. Even the 2 year old daughter, with Venus 7d Mars 11d and Saturn in Virgo 29d didn't catch anything. Her Mother (Virgo Venus 11d and Jupiter 7d) has been there for the Holidays, and constantly criticizes her daughter...for numerous reasons. The DIL just stays quiet, and her Mother doesn't seem to know when to stop nit-picking...So if they aren't really arguing would that work by making the DIL ill? Make the Mother more aggressive than usual, thus making the daughter ill?

My son called because naturally, his wife was ill, and Christmas was not going too well as everyone hoped. He's not prone to giving any gory details, but knew his wife was sick because of something the mother was sending. I suggested he could say somethings to "protect" his wife more, maybe lessen the effect the Mother was having on his wife, and he was glad to have some plan of action to have the mother back off, it must be very tense there...?
2011-12-27 4:47 am
No not at all! Why would you need any validation? You do nothing but advise people to help them? What are you teaching? The day a person was born controls or has any bearing on the rest of their lives? Dates and times affects ours lives in anyway? Grammatically it should should be effects but for you, "affects". My parents were killed in accident and that was from their birth dates and their synastry? Have you ever given a reading to mother or father who has a terminally sick child based on a chart and been wrong? Aren't 99% of the questions on here about human behavior and insecurities? You do nothing and put some astrological value? Which, forgive me, are vague and could apply to any sign. I was born November 19th 1982 9:36. Scorpio right? I have a degree in astronomy. That morning the sun rose in Virgo. You hurt people in the disguise of think that you are helping. Life and human behavior is choices and the conditions of nature vs.nurture of your childhood Did you graduate college?
參考: Education. Truth.

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