Help!以下呢D英文句子要改 請幫我改=] 20點!

2011-12-27 12:25 am
1.I was scared and ran to hold up him
(中文意思:我好驚 跑過去扶佢起新)
2.But luckily,I not hurt very much
(中文意思:但好好彩 我唔係傷得咁嚴重)
3.Cartoon characters in the hand of the air balloons to fly away.


回答 (4)

2011-12-27 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Here is my suggestion

1.I was scared and ran to hold up him
case 1 : I was afraid but still rushed to hold him up. (I did what I was afraid of)
case 2 : I was afraid to go over to hold him up (I didn't do it because I wa afraid)
(中文意思:我好驚 跑過去扶佢起新)

2.But luckily,I not hurt very much

..... However, I was so lucky that I wasn't hurt much.
(中文意思:但好好彩 我唔係傷得咁嚴重)

3.Cartoon characters in the hand of the air balloons to fly away.
The air balloons in the hands of Cartoon characters fly away.
2011-12-27 3:08 pm
1) I was scared by the accident and came to aid him.
2)Luckily, I wasn't hurt much.
3)The air balloons hold by hands of the cartoon characters got loose and flying away.
2011-12-27 9:02 am
(1) I was scared and ran to hold him who was seriously injured.
(2) Luckily, I was not injured much.
(3) The air balloons held by the cartoon characters had flown away.
2011-12-27 1:59 am
1.I was scared and ran to hold him (because he was serious hurt).
2.Luckily,I was not hurt much.
3. The air balloons which were hold by the carton characters were flown away.

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