電流I 經燈從X流到Y

2011-12-26 12:52 am

在圖中,燈泡兩端的電壓為5V,電流I 經燈從X流到Y。那些是正確?

(1) X和Y之間的電勢差是5V(2) 一庫倫的正電荷在X的電勢能較在Y的電勢高5J(3) 每當一庫倫的電荷經過燈泡時,5J的電勢能轉變為熱能和光能 A 只有(1)和(2)B 只有(1)和(3)C只有(2)和(3)D (1)’(2)’(3)

回答 (1)

2011-12-26 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
All three statements are correct. The answer is option D.

This follows from the definition of potential difference, which is the energy released (in Joules) by 1 coulomb of charge when it falls through that amount of potential difference.

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