Macroeconomic question急急急!

2011-12-24 7:39 pm
Suppose the government issues bonds that are indexed to the general price level. Discuss whether unexpected inflation or deflation will help to alleviate the government’s real financial burden.
Discuss which of the following policies will have a greater impact on consumer spending and aggregate demand:
• a permanent tax cut
• a tax cut that will last for only one year. 急急急~請高手解答!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

回答 (2)

2011-12-28 3:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. As everyone know government has to pay interest to the bonds they issue. Usually during inflationary period, economic grow rapidly, at the same time, the profit return of investing others is higher. Therefore, less people like to invest government bonds, and then government has to pay higher interest to attract investor. In deflation period, things are reverse.

2. I suggest a permanent tax cut. Aggregate Demand can mean GDP, in major countries around the world today, consumption is the most important component to GDP. Yes it affects government income shortly, cos government collects less tax, but it households feel more satisfaction to consume cos the tax cut is permanent. And then the firms receive more income, they can invest more, government then collect more tax back from businesses. Normally in GFC stage, government post temporary tax cut to the nation, as helping citizens who impacted by GFC. But actually government can easily increase social welfare instead.
2011-12-26 5:40 pm



a tax cut that will last for only one year



2011-12-26 14:07:22 補充:
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